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The Unfair-Fairness Conundrum

Hey my apple-pies

If you're in India, I'm sure that at some point of time, you might have felt inundated with numerous ads of fairness creams and facewashes. We keep on harping about the equality and abolition of racism in Indian society, but the hard truth is that we are still obsessed with the white skin.

Or that's what I used to think till WhatsApp launched emoticons representing different skin colors in an update, giving an innuendo to its racist inclinations. So we trained all our guns at Whatsapp instead of our Society of hypocrites.

But today, first time in my life, I saw two wrongs making a right, when a dusky friend of mine sent me a thumbs-up emoticon on WhatsApp in a darker skin color, being realistic about and proud of what he is, rather than hiding it under skin abrading and cancer causing fairness creams and misleading white skinned smileys. And this trend has been on since the launch of "colored" emoticons of Whatsapp. It's like people using brown thumbs-up emoticon to give "the finger" to Whatsapp and Fair & Lovely/Handsome at the same time.

Keep it up people! You're each bit worth of Democracy!
Je T'aime


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