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Too many lives : Revenge Idea # 2

Enigma is running really frustrated these days. And trust me, she is like Chandler Bing - The more frustrated, the funnier she gets.

So here I (enough of the 3rd person mania) come with the idea of revanche # 2.

Let's be generous this time and shower our attention equally on all our "friends".

1. Go to Google Play Store.

2. Download 'Candy Crush'
(I know this game is for ninnies and unemployed and housewives, but just go with it. Trust me I won't let your data bits go waste. Pinky promise)

Here comes the fun part.

3. Open the app and log in to your Facebook account.

Well if you're lucky enough to be having ignorant mothers or dads who trusted you with your Facebook password, now is the time - login from their account.

I'm sure the devil inside you must be grinning with joy now so go ahead with the next step.

4. Play each stage and send invites to all the "friends" out there. Don't leave a soul out. Have a big heart and especially be generous in sending invites, lives and what-not to those who may forget your birthday but never your result day.

Do something stupid and let it all out. Show them how many lives you got (so many that you don't mind parting with a few too) and despite of that, how successful you're with each of it earning stars like a pro (yes babe! Hit that share button like you own it ;))

Live and let live ;) Know what I mean

Love and hugs from Enigma.. XOXO


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