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Moony Romance

It's midnight and way past my sleeping time..
And I am not asleep yet.. Because I am mesmerized listening to 'Ham toh hain pardes mein des mein nikla hoga chaand' and wondering what makes moon so romantic for lovers, what makes it such a darling over sun and blue skies (my personal favorites)? After all, sun gives better light, better visibility and colors.
But then, I find the answer in my question itself. Moon is so dear to star-crossed lovers because Moon is Love itself.
Sun is cruelly truthful. It cuts no slack. It lights up all flaws,  crevices, blemishes and stains. But moonlight - it is so liberal. Just shining upon earth in a friendly way, it hides all weaknesses and deficiencies in its loony embrace. It lends a surreal aura of beauty to even mundane objects, making them bask in its glory. Isn't this just the definition of love itself? Blind and big-hearted, crazy and moony love.. That makes even ugly beautiful, and ordinary special.
Soaking in the Chandni Raatein..
Love to all my moon-faced friends


  1. Innocent blende of imagination, science facts_ delightful vocab and chandani rattein :)

  2. Innocent blende of imagination, science facts_ delightful vocab and chandani rattein :)


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