Hi my
whats up? Is it the cliche 'Same old, same old'?
me, it happens with all of us (yeah some of us do make exceptions, by being
certified Bohos born wearing sneakers and carrying a travel backpack, or with a
neon red mohawk, or a pierced tongue) but for the rest of us,
"routine" is the Usain bolt, that manages to catch up with us how
much we elude it.
take moi for example
(teeheehee).. Being a morning person, I get up at 0630 hrs, get fresh and
fragrant to welcome the day, do my Yoga/Belly
Dance/Bhangra workouts and
head to work at exact 0752 hrs for my work. Then, the breakfast till 0900 hrs,
followed by gruesome work till 1230 hrs, followed by a lunch and a power nap
till 1400 hrs. After that, its all about getting back to work, coming home,
reading newspaper, cooking dinner and browsing randomly while eating, and
finally going to sleep by 2300 hrs. Pretty boring and predictable yeah?! The
weekends also are no surprise, involving vicious cycles of sleep-watch
GOT/Prison Break/HIMYM/Dexter/Friends-eat and punctuated with healthy guilt
trips of physical exercise or unhealthy guilt trips of eating/online shopping.
So, the
point I'm trying to make by all this Ramayana (no offence Ram-followers ;) ) is that,
however illuminated and cool we try to be, this Satanic* "Routine"
always gets the best of us and dulls the shine of our life.
meeting that interesting guy who can tell you about the places he has visited
or all those funny experiences he had with strangers? Or that lively girl who
writes letters to far off anonymous pen pals, or has a pair of Jhumkas from all the cities of India? What
makes them interesting and so attractive? Just that they are difficult to
predict. When you become predictable, things become less and less to talk
about, you start forgetting other abilities you have than the ones that are
currently being used up daily, you do not learn anything new, nor meet anyone
new. And that leads straight to a safe but sorry life. (So are you scared and
attentive now? *wink* )
solution? Oh trust me. Just because I talk a lot doesn't mean I'm going to be
good with problems too. Haha! No kidding. The solution is prove yourself and
outrun your routine.. Think outside the box.. Evade the rut and get some fun
So what
I'm gonna do this (extended) weekend is get out of my comfort zone and go out
some place out of the box. I'm going to break some rules and make some records.
Follow me out of the box with this li'l effort of mine to break the regime and
dodge the mundane. Better drive the mundane mad before it drives you mad.
And I'd love to know how you defeated the routine from dulling your life..
Love yah all!
came upon a very interesting thing while researching for this blog.
is a word portraying a very devilish connotation, defined as the one pertaining
to Satan. But on the other hand, Lucifer - the Christian Satan has an adjective
pretty close to his name meaning illuminating (Yes my dear Maxwells and
Benjamin Franklins! I'm talking about the word Luciferous!!). Pretty luciferous
search lol..
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