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Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight - A Review

(10 of 2021)
'Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight' by Rujuta Diwekar #latepost
If you regularly follow my posts, you must remember I posted about 'The Mindful Diet' last year. This book is a smarter and practical version of it, because as Rujuta Diwekar's dieting school goes, (i) it talks in terms of your genetic makeup, and rather than eating fancy super foods, it talks about why you should stick to the meal that your nans and grans promoted, and (ii) for a mean-but-not-lean Punjabi like me,  (and it's a big deal - because I've tried most of the (free and not so free) diet plans on the market which talk sh*t challenging your sanity) it won't stop you from consuming Ghee or dairy.
The best thing about RD and this book is - it won't make tall promises and it simplifies eating for you. Praying for a waist like Kylie or a jawline like Kareena (bee-tee-dubs Kareena follows RD too 🀩 - I was sold at that point itself), we forget to realise what a blessing food is. We eat mechanically, counting calories, tracking macros - this book is a fresh change from that. 
The book is divided into 6 parts - what is diet, how to eat, what to eat, the 4 principles of eating right (my fav), Inculcating awareness (The Mindful Diet deja vu) and Crossing the Bridge. I don't know what sort of business strategy is this, or maybe RD has earned enough for a lifetime, but in the Chapter 5, she gives sufficient examples of diet recall and diet planning for different lifestyles, which are so clear and easy to understand that no need of a dietician is left if you want to plan your diet for normal days. I might or might not lose weight, but the change has already got me feeling healthy, energetic and quick on my toes.
Would give this one 5/5 (because it was endorsed by Kareeeeeeena!! (and her Zero Size feat in Tashan)) πŸ˜‰ #kareenafanalert #hamnePoohKoMudkeDekha
The diet book that won't make you feel guilty or leave you poorer ✌️
#anamslibrary #anamsreview #nerdfest #dietbooks #rujutadiwekar #latepost #saturdayrant


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