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Showing posts from March, 2014

My Wardrob-orous Theory

Has it ever happened to you that after a whole week of working like a dog (just a figure of speech though.. Never seen dogs working even as much as a laziest homo sapiens) and sleeping just 3-4 hours a night, when you finally land on your bed on a Friday evening, the sleep spell never seems to diminish, and the weekend ends up becoming a vicious cycle of sleeping and eating, until the evil Monday comes, reminding you of all the internet, electricity, water, house rent, society bills that demand that you go back to work dawdling along like a sloth (getting the image?! ;) ) Anyway, so the point of all this experience sharing is to rub upon the face of the whole scientific community, that you may keep on exhausting your brains trying to figure out the working of a brain (ooh! Ironic), but I have come up with a big discovery -   Human brains are just like the closet of a shopaholic girl*.  For those flaunting a lifelong membership of ISKCON (Thank God none can ban b...